Sunday, August 9, 2009

Let Go, Let God

Always easier said than done.

Sometimes we hear these catchy phrases and often miss what they actually mean - I know I do that a lot. We pray it, we memorize it, we speak it, but do we do it?

'Let go' -- now, how often do we hear that. It's a phrase that many want and need to hear, to apply. As hard as it initially is, most eventually succeed in letting go - of people, relationships, dreams and resolutions - given the time. After all, it's in the manageable levels of physicality and emotion of our being.

'Letting God' -- and this is the hard part, where it's spiritual. At least for me it's something I'm still working on. Letting God be first in our lives, letting God's words speak to us, letting God love us. Saying it isn't enough. When there are circumstances and uncertainties, do we let God? Or is it otherwise in our hearts. He has shown me that it's otherwise in my heart - because it simply is human nature. The challenge now is to acknowledge and surrender specifically the different aspects of our lives, and watch great things happen.

You could choose to see it as how the Laws of Attraction work. I was watching Oprah the other day :p But it hit me as completely surrendering certain issues in my life to God and letting Him work through it. Not easy.

Love is not love without freedom of choice, and that's the love the Father has for us - He gave us the complete freedom to choose Him, or ourselves.

Don't miss that 'dinner date' with Him, lovelies.


aweeling a.k.a. ee said...

I love this post!!

Praise God :)

Unknown said...

haha xoxo baby