Sunday, March 7, 2010


They don't just happen, sometimes.

You need to first have expectations, and to have expectations, there should be something you want to fulfill. Then when you take action to achieve that something, you want those actions to be productive; you expect those actions to produce a result that will contribute towards your goal. What is your action plan?

Having expectations is not all that. Often times during camp briefings and what not, we're asked to 'take a moment to think, and write down our expectations for this camp'. Important. But we can't wait around to have our expectations met without attending sessions, taking worship seriously, praying and talking to God, starting meaningful conversations, etc.

My expectations for this year are to grow deeper - in my relationship with God, my knowledge of God, my relationship with my family, my friendships, my studies, the talents that God has given me.

Dear God,

I am sorry for slacking in effort, and being proud to expect you to listen to what I want you to do for me. Guide me and teach me, Lord, to change my attitude of approach to this new environment of living in Melbourne. I want more of You, Jesus.


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