Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hearts On Fire

It's too often we limit God to our expectations of Him - consciously or unconsciously. Why, I did that just the other day. My perception of my personal situation or struggle led me to expect that God would speak to me on whatever it was I was struggling with. I unconsciously allowed that expectation to limit God to help me only in that area of my life which I thought was the biggest thing I was facing at that time. Wrong.

God spoke alright; He spoke of a whole different area, one which I had casually forgotten amidst my efforts of dealing with my struggle. Instead of telling me off for what I'd been doing wrong, He reminded me about what I could have been doing right. Rather than channel my energy into fixing my situation, He suggested to try going with His flow.

I guess what I'm trying to say is God is BIGGER than we think, and so are His plans and His words. LTC was a wake up call to take up the challenge - not to straighten the path I've been walking on - but to change course and walk on the straight path He's laid out. Instead of letting our flaws and weaknesses stop us from growing with God, why not play on the strengths that He has given us - because we shouldn't let the negative define the rest of our walk with God, but the positive.

I hope my sentences make sense, because I'm currently having writer's block. Ho hum.

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