Friday, October 22, 2010

Retrace Your Steps

Yesterday in cell, Joanne reminded us of why we are Christians, why we 'need to be saved'. It all boils down to humility - I can relate.

March 3: The Abandonment of God

John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave..."

Salvation is not merely deliverance from sin, not the experience of personal holiness; the salvation of God is deliverance out of self entirely into union with Himself. My experimental knowledge of salvation will be along the line of deliverance from sin and of persona holiness; but salvation means that the Spirit of God has brought me into touch with God's personality, and I am thrilled with something infinitely greater than myself, I am caught up into the abandonment of God.

-- Oswald Chambers

Get back to basics with what or who you're living for. To each his own; I pray that we'll be clear of where we stand in our walk with God.

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