Monday, January 4, 2010

Patrick Star

I've come to realize how much I adore Patrick Star. I was watching Spongebob Squarepants today, and WOO, it was so farnee! Cheng Hong, you would've lovelovelove-d it.

I wanted to post up a short clip of my favourite moment of the episode with one of my favourite quotes by Patrick himself: Well it may be stupid, but it's also dumb (serious face). But I didn't have the patience to source for it and gave up after 10 minutes. I did, however, find this!


Patrick's character is, in many respects, very similar to that of his best friend, Spongebob. Both are very playful and childish, both are complete idiots, and both are troublesome annoyances to those around them. However, Patrick is far less capable and dynamic than Spongebob. He has little to no practical skill: this is most notably shown in the episode "Big Pink Loser", in which Patrick struggles with such simple tasks as sweeping or opening a jar. This is also evident in "Pat No Pay", when even the most simple of tasks Mr. Krabs gives him prove to be extremely difficult for him to accomplish. Thus, Patrick's character could indeed be very well summed up as that of a "Big Pink Loser".

While both annoyingly foolish and clueless, Patrick is shown to be far more dim-witted in terms of thought processing capacity, often failing to grasp the most basic of situations. At times, Patrick's stupidity is so potent that he suffers from lapses of memory (such as trying to eat a chocolate bar twice) and complete shutdown on any thought whatsoever. In an episode where he attempts to think up a song, it is shown that foul-smelling smoke leaks out of his head.

Patrick lives under a rock, literally, on 124 Conch Street — two doors down from his best friend, right next to a man who hates his guts and 400-yards away from the Krusty Krab. The home's exterior is featureless, apart from a small yellow weathervane, which is shown falling off on numerous occasions. Patrick is sometimes shown to sleep on the ceiling, although far more often he is shown sleeping in a traditional bed. Patrick spends much of his day sleeping under his rock. There are many inconsistencies in the depictions of his house due to the nature of the cartoon and utility treatment of backgrounds: in one episode, his house is depicted to be nothing but a bed and a chest of drawers, yet in others he appears to have a kitchen and a living room. Also, certain episodes tend to depict the surface below the rock to be completely flat, while in others there is a considerable amount of depth below it. Patrick claims to have built the house himself.

Although he is unintelligent and is usually carefree, magnanimous, and generally detached, Patrick has demonstrated a cold, shrewd, even sociopathic side at times. In "I'm with Stupid", SpongeBob volunteered to act stupid around Patrick's parents in an attempt to improve their opinion of Patrick. However, Patrick takes the act to far, to the point where he actually begins to believe that Spongebob is that stupid. All the teasing and embarrassment from Patrick and his supposed "parents" eventually proves too much for Spongebob, who runs away screaming and crashes through the wall of his house.

Patrick's parents are first shown in "I'm With Stupid", although only at the end. A couple named Janet and Marty, presumed to be his parents, appear throughout the episode, but are at the end revealed to be confused imposters.

Patrick's non-linear family tree, seen in "Rule of Dumb", which also reveals him to be related to Gary the Snail:

Hope you had fun, lawl.

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