Friday, February 19, 2010


Day 1: Arrival
  • I flew on SIA's new A380 aircraft. Comfy.
  • A cute boy sat behind me in the airplane.
  • I watched The Notebook for the first time; I like romantic movies.
  • When I checked my mailbox, there was this Optus letter saying that my application for the awesome broadband plan I've been bragging about was rejected and therefore I will not be having the bragged about awesome broadband plan. Booo.
  • Had IKEA's meatballs for lunch at a dollar-to-dollar price.
  • Watched Mum in action @ cooking dinner in the small kitchen. Yummy, rather healthy dinner.
  • Slept late.

Day 2: Windy
  • Walked on Swanston Street to get bank account and mobile number done. Sweet, I loved the wind.
  • Decided to not walk out with only a t-shirt and extra scarf the next day.
  • Missed the first orientation program, but managed to replace it.
  • Got lost and did not intend to ask random strangers for directions because I/we were stubborn.
  • Met Melvin and walked around together from building to building finding our respective venues.
  • Spent a few hours in the computer lab settling enrolment.
  • Picked many random orientation events with Yao Yun - e.g. 'Friends of Unnatural Llamas (FOUL) Picnic', 'Queer Picnic', and also 'Maths & Stats Society BBQ'.
  • Finished up renovations at home.
  • Slept late.

Day 3: Sunny & Hot
  • First time being chased out of the apartment by Mum... because I woke up late.
  • Bought household items at Big W and self-checked out the items. The machine was clever.
  • Scouted for broadband options and found a reasonably good Virgin Mobile deal with Optus.
  • Rushed back home, then to uni for course advice appointment. We were late.
  • Walked back and forth between buildings to settle some errands. Enrolment was messed up.
  • Finally realised, "Man, my feet hurt!"
  • First cooking lesson at home. Good food!
  • Set up internet connection.
  • Blogged!

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